What I Learned From My First Wedding

I've loved weddings for a long time, but it wasn't until I started my marketing internship this fall that I learned just how much goes into planning a wedding! On November 17th I got to tag along on a gorgeous wedding and see all of the months of hard work come together. There were so many things I learned about weddings that day, but I narrowed the list down to the top five things I found most important!

1. Your planner is your best friend

No matter how much planning has gone into this day, when the morning of your wedding comes along, there will be quite a bit of stress! Joy, excitement, and love as well, but stress is usually the most pressing. This is where having that planner, or day-of-coordinator, comes in so handy! They take care of everything. As soon as the day starts they're decorating, directing vendors and people involved in the wedding, they're at the ceremony making sure the bride gets down the aisle, and they're at the reception making sure not a single detail is missed. Having that person to take care of any issues that may arise, and handle all of the last minute details takes so much stress off of the couple and their families! Having a planner is easily one of the best investments for your dream wedding.

2. Organization is key

This one seems pretty simple, but it can be the downfall of anybody's day if not taken seriously. Staying organized, through the entire planning process and especially during the morning of the wedding, can save a lot of stress in the long run. Having one place for all of the details and making sure everyone is on the same page helps the day run as smoothly as possible! This is another area where having a wedding planner makes a big difference. Did you remember to double-check that the seating chart matches the place cards? Maybe not, but your planner did. And she brought back-up cards just in case.

3. Remember to eat & stay hydrated

Usually the bride and groom are first to get their food at the reception, but what about breakfast and lunch? Sometimes those jitters get the best of you and suddenly it's 3 p.m. and you haven't eaten anything! Having small snacks to carry around with you or having food delivered while you're getting ready will help make sure you're not neglecting yourself (or your bridesmaids). Staying hydrated is also incredibly important! Just make sure you use the restroom before you get into your dress.

4. Don't sweat the small stuff

There's a chance of rain even though the weather report said it'd be a nice day? Rain on your wedding day is actually a sign of good luck! Your sister forgot to put in her earrings before getting to the ceremony? Chances are no one will notice. All of your incredible friends and family traveled near and far to see you and your best friend tie the knot, the small details won't dampen their happiness so don't let it ruin yours! This is another area where having a planner to resolve those issues, or even just to help you see the bigger picture, really makes the day go by much easier.

5. Stay relaxed & enjoy the day

While this is arguably one of the most stressful days of anyone's life, it's important to remember the reason everyone is there. All of the months, or maybe even years, of hard work all came together so two people could celebrate their beautiful love together. As long as the bride makes it down the aisle and they both say 'I do', everything else doesn't matter. So stay relaxed, remember why you're there, and enjoy the greatest day ever!

Layne Swanson / Fall Marketing Intern