Planning Tips

How to RELAX Before Your Wedding Day

Maybe you've been to a million weddings, been in a wedding, or are going to be the bride of your own wedding- ALL weddings can get pretty crazy and stressful at some point, but why let that ruin your big day or fun experience? Today we take some time to look at some easy and extremely beneficial tips that brides can do months, weeks, and even days before the big day!

To start, let’s talk about a couple months before the wedding and what you can do to prepare mentally and emotionally. I suggest getting a massage. It certainly doesn't have to be expensive- sometimes the best are from a loved one! It might really relieve some stress and allow you to loosen up before the big event.

Another suggestion a couple months ahead of time is checking in with your bridal party for some afternoon tea or just a casual movie night. Sometimes during wedding preparation we forget to take time to just hang out and enjoy the company of our closest friends.

TIP: Don't let yourself or your party talk about the wedding ONCE during the "hang out.” Make this time about the friendships and company, not about the wedding. Having some girl with no wedding talk might be just what you need to relax.

A month before the wedding, go on a long walk. Alone! A long walk or run (okay maybe not a run- who likes running anyway?!) can relieve some MAJOR stress in your life. Think about everything. Think about nothing. When you go for this walk, allow about an hour for just YOU time.

If you aren't able to do a sweet stroll around town, try hitting up the local library or coffee shop and grab a (non wedding-related) book and cup of joe. Some quiet YOU time in a relaxing environment can be great for pre-wedding relaxation.

Another suggestion is to make sure you are eating healthy. After all, the better you eat, the better you'll feel! Try taking 15 minutes each day to sit down with some coffee or tea and just BE. Alone, quiet, just you and yourself. (If you have kids- the bathroom is a great get away!).

One week before the wedding (yes- it IS possible to relax the week of your wedding!), light a candle, pour some wine, and sit down with your fiance for a night of movies and conversation. Allow this night to be just you and him relaxing with no wedding worries. Keep this date on the calendar so you know you'll make time for it no matter what, and maybe even go for dinner or a movie. The point of this one night of relaxation is to relax with your future hubby.

On your big day, write a letter. In a quiet place, with your favorite pen and paper or journal. Write a letter to yourself and to your fiance. Be sure to take the time and go slow... writing about your dreams and wishes and excitements. This letter will help you to relax and get some thoughts out of your head before your big day!

Take some ibuprofen, put on your favorite scent and AMAZING shoes you just had, and have the best day of your life. Oh, and one more thing ... don't forget to just RELAX.